LRS Waitlist Form

Please complete the following form in order to sign up for this quarter’s LRS waitlist. This waitlist will be open until Friday of Week 1.

Please note: Only registered University of Chicago students can enroll in the course. If you are a MAPSS, MACSS, CIR, or MAPH student, you MUST sign up for the LRS Waitlist. Your department will enroll you in the course before Week 1.

For more information about enrollment in the course, please consult our FAQ on our “How to Register for LRS” page.

LRS Waitlist Form
*You MUST be a registered UChicago student in order to take the course.
MAPSS STUDENTS ONLY: Please let us know what discussion times you can attend.
Please note that these times are on Tuesdays. All course lectures will be on Thursday at 11:00am-12:20pm.

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