Pedagogical Training

A core mission of the Writing Program is to train and support course assistants, lecturers, and faculty in the teaching of writing to students in the College.

Courses in Writing Pedagogy

The Writing Program offers courses in writing pedagogy for graduate students who have been hired to teach for the Writing Program or who are training to teach within their own department or program. Visit our Courses in Writing Pedagogy page for more information.

Professional Development Workshops

Graduate student employees of the Writing Program can polish their skills as writing teachers by participating in our series of professional development workshops.  We offer two kinds of workshop series: one for Writing Program staff who work as Writing Interns in the Humanities Core, and another for those who work as Lectors in ENGL 33000: Academic and Professional Writing. These workshops include but are not limited to: best practices in one-on-one pedagogy, crafting effective teaching materials, and mini consultations for evaluating student evaluations.

College Teaching Certificate with Emphasis in Writing Pedagogy

To help graduate students and postdocs develop their approach to teaching and their approach to student writing, the Writing Program has partnered with the Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning to offer a College Teaching Certificate (CTC) with Emphasis in Writing Pedagogy. Visit the link for a detailed description of certificate requirements, which include components such as workshops, implementing pedagogical tools and strategies, written reflections, and submitting a teaching portfolio that includes a syllabus with a substantial writing component.


Winter 2024 Workshops:

Teaching Writing Strategies through Reading – Pedagogy Workshop

Wednesday, January 31st, 3:00pm – 4:20pm in Harper Memorial Library 148

Monday, February 19th, 10:00am – 11:20am in Harper Memorial Library 151

Hosted by Sarah Bonanno, Assistant Director of University Writing Programs

This workshop will focus on how to use course readings to teach students specific writing strategies that will help students in your course. This workshop will discuss how to analyze course readings for generic or disciplinary conventions with your students can better introduce students to your field’s discourse community. For instance, what does a claim look like in your field? How does your field use evidence? Having these conversations with students can help 1) demystify writing in your specific field and 2) give students tools to write successfully across disciplines during their undergraduate career.  Finally, this workshop will discuss different strategies for incorporating writing instruction in your classroom outside of lectures, peer review, and written feedback.

To prepare for this workshop, please bring an article from your field that you have previously assigned–or plan to assign–in one of your courses. We will also discuss potential writing assignments you may give to your students, but you do not need to bring a sample assignment to the workshop.  Note: this workshop is being offered twice this quarter. Participants should RSVP for only one session. Please click here to RSVP for the workshop.

Using Assignments to Meet Learning Objectives – Pedagogy Workshop

Monday, March 4th, 10:00am – 12:00pm over Zoom

Hosted by Ashley Lyons, Associate Director of University Writing Programs

This workshop will help participants plan their course with a writing end-goal in mind. Participants will learn how to shape both the readings and sequence of assignments in a course to build writing skills. Participants will also think critically about the specific writing skills that assignments can cultivate and how assignments build upon each other.  You can RSVP for this workshop here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ashley Lyons at

These workshops are part of our programming for the College Teaching Certificate with Emphasis in Writing Pedagogy. You do not need to be enrolled in the Certificate program in order to attend these workshops. The workshops are open to graduate students, postdocs, and recent alumni. If you have questions about the workshops and requirements of the Certificate with emphasis in Writing Pedagogy, please reach out to

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