Come join UChicago’s Undergraduate Write -in!
Friday, March 3rd, 11:00am – 3:00pm
Arley D. Cathey North Reading Room (3rd Floor, Harper Memorial Library)
As a lead-up to Finals Week, the Writing Program is hosting a write-in for students across the College. Write-ins help alleviate the isolation of writing alone, foster a campus writing community, and signal solidarity among students who are working consciously to develop their writing and revision processes.
Our Winter quarter Undergraduate Write-in will be on Friday, March 3rd from 11:00am-3:00pm and writers are welcome to come for some or all of the time!
The write-in will have quiet and communal spaces, coffee and tea, and additional writing support in the form of Writing Tutors.
Things you can do at the Write-In:
Hold space for yourself to be creative!
Explore some tensions in the text!
Focus on small, specific tasks (create an outline, reverse outline, 45-minute free-write, analyze a paragraph’s argument, create or revise your introduction, etc.)!
Return to a text to do some close-reading and analysis!
Seek feedback on a rough draft from a peer or meet with a Writing Tutor!
Revise based on feedback you’ve received from a Writing Specialist, Writing Tutor, or Instructor!
Work with a Writing Tutor during the Write-In!
College Core Writing Tutors will also be available to work with students who are crafting Core papers. Core Writing Tutors will be available by appointment from 12-4pm and students can sign up for an appointment up to a week in advance by clicking this link. In addition to appointment-based and drop-in tutoring sessions over Zoom, Writing Tutors will also be available to work with students in-person on a drop-in basis.
Additional Writing Support available during the Write-In

Please note that all Undergraduate Write-In events are only open to undergraduate students at the University of Chicago.
Questions? Please contact us at